Episode 040 – Just In Time Learning: 5 Steps That Saves You Massive Time & Money
May 31, 2021
Michelle recommends the book, SCRUM, and talks about Steve Larson’s Funnel Hacking Live presentation that made her shout, “YES! This is SO TRUE!” His 5 Steps will not only save you massive amounts of time but thousands of dollars, too! And everyone needs to hear about his "Just in Time" Learning. Find out how to save time and money, as well as what "Just in Time" Learning is, in this week’s episode.
Plus, contest details are inside this episode! Enter to win BIG!! Go and Grow!
Transcript of this Episode:
Hi, this is Michelle, the master of money mindset, and you are listening to BNB dash boss podcast and in today's podcast.
I'm going to continue teaching you about learning. I know it's kind of weird, but a lot of us have forgotten how to learn, right? And so we have this feeling that we don't know enough. And last week I gave you a hint and this week I'm going to continue with Steve Larson. He did this incredible, incredible speech at funnel hacking live.
And I wanted to expand on the idea for you. But first our show today is brought to you by audible. Audible is where you get your audiobooks online and get a 30 day trial into the audible membership for free. By going to audible trial.com forward slash S T R revenue that's audible trial.com forward slash.
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And I would really greatly appreciate. You going to iTunes and leaving me a five star review. I appreciate it. So please do take a picture of it. Send it over to me at Michelle at BNB dash boss. Let me know that you did and we'll enter you in those drawings. So in last week's podcast, I kind of gave you a clue that I was going to be going over.
Steve's just in time learning. I really, really like this idea. I forgot the name of it last week. But when I went back and found my notes, I was like, oh, it was just in time learning. It was like too much education that's that was literally the gist of it. But what it was was incredible at funnel hacking live.
We had some really, really great speakers, including Tony Robbins, and that were teaching us about entrepreneurship and where you are in your business compared to how much money you're making, what job you have, you know, just where you are. A lot of people run around thinking I'm the CEO of my company and.
Yeah, you are, but you're not really a CEO. Okay. Because CEOs are usually making X amount of dollars working X amount of hours and have X amount of employees, which you don't have. So it's like we can call ourselves a CEO, but Robert Kiyosaki used to say it himself. He's like, look, you are not a business owner until you have a minimum.
Of a hundred employees under you and they're your employees, not affiliates, not contractors, not any other type of employees, except for employees who are working for you, who you are signing their paycheck for each and every week with your company logo. And they work for your company that makes you a business owner.
There's a big difference in this business. We are all small business owners, right? We have an entrepreneurial ship mentality. It's a new mentality for a lot of people. Only 7% of people in the United States have entrepreneurial dreams, goals, and aspirations. I know that a lot of people think that more people do.
But that's probably because you hang around a lot of entrepreneurs because the majority of people who want to be do or have more, and they want to work for themselves or own a company, or just not have the nine to five job, all those people think alike. And they usually have friends who think like them.
And so we tend to think that, well, that's gotta be the majority of people. No, it's not the majority of people work for somebody. They go to work. They get a paycheck at the end of their 40 hours or whatever many hours they work. And it's a safe bet. Right. You know, I work for somebody, even a lot of doctors work for hospitals, they feel safe and secure.
Having somebody sign their check. It's scary even for doctors and attorneys and people to work for themselves because they're not sure where that next client or patient is coming from. It's a scary, scary situation to be an entrepreneur, but one of the speakers and I'm going to go over this in a few weeks, but I'm only gonna do mindset a couple of times.
Cause I think it's. Going to be time to get back to the nitty gritty of the BNB business, but this is your mindset stuff. And this is definitely important for your business. When you're a business owner, there are specific categories that you have at different times in your business. And in each of those times, you're going to be making a specific amount of money and having a specific amount of employees.
And doing things and having people do things for you and you're going to be just at different levels. Okay. Different levels of your business. And right now the majority of us are still in the entrepreneur stage. We're so building our business, we haven't been doing it too long. Right? Well, some of us haven't been doing to Julong.
Some of us like me have been doing it way too long. Um, but some people haven't been doing it too long. And so you're still in that entrepreneurial realm and I'm going to go over each of those steps for you. But right now they're not important. The one important thing is the CEOs. You know, when somebody says, oh, you know, a CEO, they read a book of week, blah, blah, blah.
And they're constantly consuming, consuming, consuming. Well, you, as an entrepreneur, you don't get that luxury because right now, as an entrepreneur, you're going to be doing, doing, doing okay. So it's not your time to consume yet. You can't. Act like you are at a specific level and do the actions of that person at that specific level until you get there.
Because if you do too soon, you haven't built the foundation. It'll be just a house built on sand and it will wash away. So we have to start from the beginning and I got a couple of emails from one of our listeners. A couple of weeks ago. And then again, I just opened it up right before this podcast recording this podcast.
And she was asking again about doing courses and doing classes and there's a lot of courses and classes out there and there. You know, some of them are 500 bucks. Some of them are 2000 bucks. There are some that are 5,000 and $10,000. And they're like, you know, are these courses worth it? Well, it's like, where are you in your business?
Are you ready for that course? The answer to that question, the majority of times is no, you're not ready for it. And a lot of times it's going to be, no, you don't need it because by the time you get to where you would think you would need eight, you will have all the answers anyway. So I'm going to go over that really quick with a just-in-time learning.
So I really need you to pay attention to this. Let's go to the beginning of this. A lot of us get stuck in a learning mode. We think that we have to know more, learn more before we can do stuff. And. A lot of times when we're in the learning mode, we're stuck learning and not doing, if we're learning and not doing, then we're not getting anywhere or we're getting in some place very, very slowly.
That's not what we want to do. Right. And a lot of times, the reasons we do that is because there's all these other things going on, the little voices inside our head, the little voice mechanism saying you don't know enough, or you're not enough or. You're not ready. You need more, you need more education.
You, you, you just shouldn't pull the trigger yet because it'll never work out. The problem with that is we need to quiet that small little voice in our head. And we do that usually by trying to educate ourselves and make ourselves feel better at night. Now I know enough, oh, now I can do this. And that's not true.
A lot of times we're learning things that we might not even need later on. So we're going to go through his step. Steve Larson's steps. And I absolutely love them. Like I said, I took notes and then I went back over and I was like, oh, I do. I love these steps so much. He had five steps. For quieting that little brain and making sure that we are just learning in time and I'll explain why, but you're going to love this.
So step number one is declaring your goal. You know, what do you want, where do you want to go? You know, a lot of times it feels obvious for like, well, I just want to have one property or I want to have 10 properties, or I want to not have to work my nine to five job. And I want to make a hundred thousand a year or whatever your first goal is usually.
Whatever that goal is, you need to know it. You need to know why you're doing it and you need to write it down. Okay. And we talked about that last week when I told you about Simon Sinek's book, start with why that's a great book. The book for this week is going to be scrum. Okay. And it's spelled S C R U M.
It's the scrum method. It's a red book. I believe the letters are yellow or white. But scrum teaches you how to organize what you're doing and how to run things in six weeks sprints. And it's very similar to Steve Larson stuff, but way, way, way ahead of Steve Larson, Steve Larson came up with these steps and they kind of fit into scrum.
It's not the opposite way. So obviously in time, those goals may change. Right? I remember sending the goal for a hundred thousand and then when we hit a hundred thousand a year, it was like, wow, this is not going to be enough. We had a lot of kids too. So it was like, you think that 100,000 a year is a lot of money and then you start making a hundred thousand year and you're like, yeah, we need more than a hundred thousand a year.
But the whole thing is. You can go for a goal, get there and not want it anymore. Just say, okay, this is not what I thought I was going to be. A lot of people do that when they started doing flipping wholesaling, not a good one for me. I did not like wholesaling. I did not like it. Not on a boat, not with a goat.
Okay. It was not my cup of tea, but a lot of people love wholesaling. There are things that you're going to do that you take a course for class four and then you do it. And then you realize. This is a bunch of crap and I don't like it, and it's not really who I am and I don't want to do it. That's how I felt about wholesaling.
That's how a lot of my friends feel about fixing and flipping properties. They just don't like doing it. There's too many moving parts for them and they don't want to handle any contractors because you know, you have to handle a contractor like a dog on the leash. Robin Thompson used to have a video that says, she said, train your contractor, like a dog on a leash because you pretty much do you have to train them.
But the whole point is you could just take a ton of classes. You could spend $5,000 learning how to do this business or more, and then get into it, start doing it, and then think to yourself, what did I get myself into? I do not like this. I recommend a much smarter way of moving. And this is what Steve is talking about.
So the first one was declaring where you want to go. The second one is being extremely honest with yourself and stating where you are right now. So basically we're setting the GPS, right? In order to set the GPS on your phone. Your phone looks and says, okay, here's where we are. And here's where we're going.
You honestly don't care about which way she gets you there. Do you, a lot of times you'll look and you'll say, okay, do I want the fastest route? Do I want the cheapest route without toll booths or whatever? If you're in a place where they have toll booze, You get to choose whether you take freeways or back roads, whatever it is.
But the fact is you don't know a lot of times all the street names and all the twists and turns, you're going to take, you just know where you are and you know, where you want to be. And that's all you need. You really don't need all the steps in between. Now we plot out those steps, but we plot out the obvious parts of those steps.
We literally could not guess which properties we are going to be looking at in order to get there. So let's say we're working on our first step to gaining our first property or even a second or fifth or 10th. Right. We're getting our next property. What do we have to do? We have to look at properties. Do you know?
Which properties you're going to look at, you know, months ahead of time. Could you write it on a map and say, okay, or you're going to look at one 23 Elm street or number 12 on Oak. No, you don't know those things. You don't know exactly specifically what you're going to do, but you've got a general idea.
And so you write down those things and when they get there, when it gets to the time that you're doing them, you find them, okay. You find those steps and. A lot of times, that's how we're going to be doing this business. We're going to generally know the next three things that we're going to do, but we don't have to know the whole entire path.
We don't have to know the whole entire route. And we might think we know the fastest route, but just like when you're on your way somewhere, and there's a car accident, sometimes it'll say we're rerouting you because something happened. And the quickest route is to go this way. And you follow that route.
It's a much, much better way. And it's funny too, because a lot of people fake where they are right now. They want to act like they have more or get their picture taken with the Lamborghinis. That's what Steve always said. He goes, no pictures with a Lambo until you really own one. Right. Because people will rent houses and then make videos of themselves walking through houses and stuff and say, oh yeah, this is my house.
And it's a house they rented. And you're like, right. Right. Come on. You're not that wealthy yet. And it's funny. Cause they feel like, well, you know, you got to fake it till you make it in some ways. Yes. But not in that way. Not in that way. And we're not going to tear ourselves down about where we are. We're not going to, you know, say, oh, woe is me.
I'm such an idiot or anything. We just are being honest so that we know how far we have to go. Or we know our next steps. If we're lying. And we say we have the Lamborghini, then our next step would be completely different as if we didn't know in the Lamborghini yet. So we're just being honest with ourselves.
Right? Number three is the just in time learning. And this is crucial. This is key because a lot of times, a lot of people will take and have to know everything. I have to take this big, huge course. I want to learn all the ins and outs of this business. And like I said, You're biting off the whole left side of the elephant, right?
How do you eat an elephant one bite at a time? And you might get through about three or four bites and find out you don't even like elephant really? And that's what we're trying to prevent here from you spending a whole bunch of money getting in, and then figuring out that maybe this isn't the part of the business that you want, or you're not really good at this part.
And you can hire that part out. So you spent all this time learning about it and that was time wasted. So the just-in-time learning. It means that we're only going to look for and solve the problems that are right directly in front of us. And that makes amazing sense. I mean, think about it. It's like, I don't have to know how to build a whole camper if I want to take a camper from Phoenix to Florida.
Right. I don't have to know every specific part about the camper if I want to get someplace. Right. Just the things that I need to know to get me going. It's like, How do I put the gas in? How do I monitor the gauges? How do I empty the tanks and fill them with water and empty the refuge out of them? You know, specific things.
I don't have to know everything about it. I don't have to sit there and study the book about the whole thing. Just the things I need to know in order to get me going. And that's how we're going to be in this business. We're going to take a look at the next three steps, the three small steps, right? So we set that success path and then we set the milestones and now we've got three little steps that we're working on.
Maybe they don't get us all the way to the first milestone, but they're just the next three things that we're working on. And if the learning that you want to do, isn't specifically for those next three steps and something that you don't know how to do already, then don't do it. Don't do it. I know it sounds amazingly simple, but it's the truth that you really don't want to work on.
That if the problem isn't directly in front of you, why are you trying to solve it? If you've got a puzzle? And you only need to put three pieces in, why are you working on the rest of this puzzle? When we only need to do these three pieces, stop playing with the stuff that we don't need yet. And let's just work on what is in front of us.
What directly is in front of us. We don't need all those pieces yet. Right? Entrepreneurship is a faith based game. You see the summit, right? But you don't see the entire path in front of you all the time. We are just going to focus on those next three steps and leave those three steps in front of us. If that is, is a challenge.
If there's something there you don't know how to do that's when you're going to get a book about it, that's when you might take a course that teaches you. All you need to know to get past that step. You don't have to master that step. You just have to get through it. Don't waste your time, but definitely get through it because your job right now, when you are beginning, your business is solving problems, CEOs, and those guys, what do they do?
They are working on building and tweaking systems. That's what they do. They build and tweak the systems of their business because they're making sure that the machine is running. You don't even have those systems built yet. So right now you're just doing the problem solving mode and all you have to do is solve the one problem.
So let's say you got your property, you got it listed. You've got on your steps to do the next step is messaging. What are you going to do? You're like, okay, well, I don't know anything about messaging. We'll start looking things up, look for companies. And you're like, oh, here's a company smart BNB. I can look them up and guess what they do.
They do messaging automation. Let me see how that works. So you think it's yourself? Okay. I can use Airbnb's messaging and I can. Put my templates right inside there, or I can use smart B and B. You don't have to make it super complicated. You don't have to go check out. All 22 businesses that are like it.
You can pull it up and you can basically see, or you can go into a group and ask people what they use, or you can see what people suggest and don't go crazy because a lot of people just, they overload on education. Oh, I got to know everything about every single company, you know? They haven't even gotten their first three to five properties and they're already checking out how to build websites, which platforms to use.
And you're like, dude, you're not there yet. You want to slow your roll and pull it back in and say, look. You've only got a couple properties right now. If you've only got three properties and you've got them listed on Airbnb and BRBO, it's not going to be that hard for you to manage your calendars for a little while.
When that becomes a challenge for you you'll know, don't jump on it and make it a problem before it's a problem. Don't try to master things before you get to them. You don't need to master that summit. You're not even at that altitude yet. You know what I'm saying? So slow your roll and let's take a look.
So remember what I said, the CEOs are consuming, consuming, consuming information, like reading a book a week, blah, blah, blah. Well, that's because they're building and tweaking systems. You problem solver. You need to be what doing, doing, doing they're consuming, consuming, consuming. You are problem-solver you need to be doing, doing, doing, and that is how you learn.
You learn by doing that's the best way to learn. A lot of times, if you just jump into these things, you don't even know how they work or how you need them to work. If you haven't done them yourself yet. So that's why we say, you know, start with one property and get it rolling out and you'll be able to see what needs to be done.
You'll be able to see what you're good at, what you're not good at, what you would like to hire somebody to do and what you would not. You might love cleaning this place and it's super close to your home. And you're like, oh, this is great. I can do probably three of these. I wouldn't even mind. All three of them had to turn on the same day.
It wouldn't even bother me. But other people would say, I really hate cleaning. I sure don't want the pressure of having to clean up in a few hours. And I sure wouldn't want three properties that I had to clean in a three or four hour window. So I'm going to hire a cleaning team. Do you see what I'm saying?
There's going to be things you like to do things you don't like to do. Let's not jump on board. You don't hire your cleaners before you even find your property. You don't need to do things until you get to those steps. Okay. So let's not jump ahead. Let's not jump ahead. Now. Remember I said, the book you're going to read is scrum.
Scrum teaches people how to do basically the same thing. It's doing the next logical step. Not doing everything, but just specifically what needs to be done in order to get a working model up and running. When we do scrum, we are getting the working model out there in the least amount of time with the least amount of waste.
And we're getting a viable product out there that works. So it's going to be basically doing like a 30 day challenge with yourself to get a property up and running and out the door. Right. Could you do that? Absolutely. You could do that. Absolutely. You could, you could find a property in the next two days easy and you could literally take a long weekend and then go out there and fix the property up, you know, tidy it up, paint it, get it ready.
And then you could go get all the furniture and have it furnished. You could have that property up and running within a month. Easy. Easy. It would not be difficult. As a matter of fact, the majority of properties that we do, it takes less than two weeks to do. Right. There's a few that take longer, but that's usually when there's something more that needs to be done.
Yeah. The flooring needs to be ripped out or cabinets need to be replaced or something major. But a lot of times it's just cosmetic and you can get it up and running in a matter of just a little time, when you do that, what is the benefit? Well, the benefit is you have a working model and you get to tweak that model.
You get to learn from that model what's working, what's not working, and then it moves your business forward. Right? So in this business, and as we're learning, we cannot afford knowledge for the sake of knowledge. You can't afford to waste that time, just because you think you need to know everything there is to know about being BS, who cares.
Who cares? You don't need to know it all. You really don't. You just need to know enough to get yourself going and then you're going to learn some more and then you're going to learn more. And then you're going to learn more because you're going to start creating systems and processes for yourself and your business.
That worked best for you. Okay. So no knowledge for the sake of knowledge, we're not playing trivial pursuit here. We need to know all these little tidbits of information that enlightened our lives, but absolutely do Jack for us in reality, who cares if you know all the capitals of the states in alphabetical order, it doesn't matter.
It really doesn't. I mean, it's great that you do, and that's really nice that you have that ability. But in reality, how has that benefit you in this business? It doesn't, it really doesn't. There are some things we need to know, and there are some things that they will not benefit us. We need specific, targeted knowledge.
Okay. What's my next step? What am I doing next messaging. Right, right now you need to research and just find the best system for the next step. And if you know it great. And if you know, just enough about it to you through great, go on to the next step. Your job is to move as fast as you can in this part, because it's a learning stage because you want to see what works and what doesn't work.
Right. And the only way you can do that is to plug things in. So if you want to start with Airbnb's messaging, so be it, just put it in there. It'll work for now. And you'll see how well it works because you've got to put it all in there. Right. But then later on you can go back and tweak when you've got time on your hands and there's no property in storm.
One night, you're sitting there and you're like, you know what, let me check out these couple of companies and you decide, oh, I'm going to use smart BNB. And you put all the templates in there and now you're up and running. You had it running before, and that was fine. It was working. And then you decided you could tweak it and make it work better.
Great. Right? You didn't waste any time playing around thinking that you had to research all the different companies before you made a move. You didn't get a working model going first and you only learn for that next single step. And you only get the answer. Right. You don't have to get all the answers.
You might want to stop yourself at three answers. I'm only going to get three options. I'm going to look at those three options and I'm only going to give myself X amount of time to do it, but that is it. You don't waste any more time on that. Okay. And number four is know the industry model that you are going to follow for these other BnBs, right?
No, it, you have to know what, uh, up and running BNB looks like. Probably for the most part, you wouldn't be trying to have a BNB business. If you never stayed in a BNB or you didn't know what it was most likely, you know, a little bit about it, or you stayed in one or you went somewhere and you said, Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we had a BNB here?
So you probably know pretty much about it. You're like, okay, I want to buy a property. I'm going to furnish the property. I'm going to list it on Airbnb. BRBO and HomeAway. And I'm going to just going to listen on those three platforms at first, and I'm going to decorate it like this, and then hopefully make some money.
Right? Do you need to know about pricing right away? Do you need to know all the prices for the property? Well, you need to know some right. You need to know the rental prices and you need to have a general idea of what income that property can pull in. So you can get that from air DNA, but with those two bits of knowledge, you can make all your decisions.
If you can pull in 30,000 a year, but it's going to cost you 29,000 in rent. Is that a good deal? No, you can't afford it right. Just know that some things you have to know and you have to do your research, but other things you don't and number five, this is going to be the step that you take after you've done all of the other things.
Right? So after you get your first model up and running, You're like, okay, I've got a bookings coming in. Maybe it doesn't even have to be like a lot of bookings. Your pricing could be offered. Something else could be off. Right. It doesn't matter. You've got a working model up and running. Now we're going to take a look at it and we're going to tweak it and ask ourselves number five, how can I increase my speed or my profitability on this product?
And this is when we tweak our systems and processes. I can turn a property better and faster with a cleaning crew. I can do my messaging better with automation. I can hire a company that does all my pricing for me. I don't have to waste my time doing it, use wheelhouse, things like that. Oh, all of those things we can do and tweak our business and set those systems and processes in place.
You see, you see how important it is. But this belief system that you have to have all the knowledge all at once, or spend a lot of money to get that knowledge. That's ridiculous. That's, what's making all the people rich out there. It's not, it's not the. The BnBs that they have, it's literally the courses that they sell, right?
I mean, they've put a funnel up and they sell, you know, some $5,000 courses and how many, $5,000 courses you have to sell to make a million bucks 200. So the answer is 200. You only have to sell 200 courses to make a million dollars. If you're selling them at $5,000 a pop. So who's got a million dollar business.
Those guys do cause there's 200 yodels out there right now that we're paying $5,000 for Gores. That's all you need. So the fact is these guys, aren't making their millions on the BNB businesses. They're making their millions on courses. They're making their millions off of you. And guess what? You could do this business without those courses, courses are great.
I'm not knocking them. There's some good ones out there I've bought pretty much every system there is. Cause I like to know, is there anything in there that I don't know because I am at the point in my business where I'm just tweaking my systems and processes, right. Tweaking my skills as a property manager, tweaking my property managers skills and what I want them to do.
Right. So I've looked at these things and I can tell you that the majority of them aren't worth their salt. There's a lot of them paid a lot of money for, and I look at them and I go, man, that's a $50 course. We created those mini courses for $7 for a reason because they give you all you need to know right now and they'll get you started.
You don't have to know it all. You have to know enough just enough to get you started. You are going to waste so much time, money, and effort, doing stuff that you really don't need to. And if you just do the just-in-time learning, I mean, if you think of those things just in time learning just in time learning, that is literally all you need to do just in time learning, tweak, all that stuff later.
When you have three to five businesses and you're like, okay, I'm ready this year. I'm going to go from five to 20 when you're there. And you're not really sure what to do next, then go into a mastery program, you know, but don't do it before you even have one property. Don't do it before you even have three properties.
You can't master what? You don't know what the hell you're doing. Right. Or even if you like doing it, because I can tell you that a lot of things are fun when you first start doing it. And then as time rolls on is a lot less fun. Kind of like marriage for a lot of people, right? They're like, oh, honeymoon stage, this is really fun.
And then they're in it for a while and they're like, I don't know if I really liked this. This might not be my cup of tea. I like doing it things on my own and not having to ask if I got to go somewhere or something I've been married 35 years. I can tell you I love being married, but it takes a lot of getting used to, right.
It's the same thing. It's the same thing. It's a lot of fun for a lot of people until it starts getting hard. And then they're like, I don't like this. And you might find out that you get in here three to five units, and then all of a sudden you're like, oh my gosh, what a hassle. I mean, juggling this and juggling that I'm not getting the breaks I want, I'm not doing the traveling I wanted to.
I'm going in the wrong direction. Maybe you have houses that are all luxury and you would rather have houses that are turning more or vice versa. You have a houses that are turning all the time, but you would rather have luxury. You will get to know all that stuff and that stuff you can't know until you do it.
So this is a learn by doing kind of thing. All right. Definitely. Definitely do the just-in-time learning. Get the book. Scrum. Scrum is really good. I'm reading that again with Maria Giardano because she and I are in a business together. And we decided that we're going to use scrums. So we decided let's read scrum again.
Scrum was an awesome book. I love it. You'll keep it as a reference. Even if you listen to it on audible, you're definitely gonna want the physical copy so you can highlight some stuff. I lent mine to somebody and I couldn't find the physical copy of the book and I was super ticked off. Cause I was like, man, I'm just tired of.
Lending people, books, and then they never ever give them back to me. They've got them sitting on their shelf, going with a post-it note, give back to Michelle someday before I die. Please give me all the books I have lent you out. Like back I've even lent out my signed copies of books. I've had signed copies from Robert Kiyosaki and I even had a Neville Goddard book that was signed and I went it to somebody and they never gave it back.
I know who has it. But finding them now that they've moved is just a pain in the butt. So please return things like that. But hopefully you got something out of this episode. Remember, you don't need all the little tidbits of knowledge so that you win trivial pursuit. You need only the knowledge that's in front of you, right?
Those the only puzzle pieces you need, those are the only questions you need answered. And that's the only time you should be learning. Specific targeted knowledge on the step that is only in front of you, that's it? That's it. All right. So your homework is to get that success path written for yourself to pose the milestones that you believe you want to post.
Write down the steps that, you know, you need to take, but don't worry that there's going to be other steps in there that will come up. They will come up and be addressed when you get there. It's no big deal. And if you give some place and you don't like it, you can always change your goals. It's not written in stone, right?
We're not at Jay novice out in stone. It's a very flexible path. If something comes up, like COVID, we can switch gears to something else. Right. So. Make sure you're listening to that part of the chorus because we always buy so that we could still make money if we had to rent it out. Long-term but this is a great time.
This is a great time to be doing rental arbitrage. That's working out pretty darn well for a lot of people as is co-hosting. And that's gonna take a lot of negotiation skills. I'm hoping that I can get Maria Giordano on to do a podcast, or maybe I will. Do a preview of the summit. We had to set the summit back because Facebook wouldn't, I still won't.
They banned me for life. Those, you know what I'm I can't advertise. They said 30 days it's been maybe on 30 days already and they're still not answering me and telling me why they won't let me run my ads. So we're just to do a different route. We're just going to go a different way. So. So we're going to end up doing this summit at the end of June, and we're going to take a different route and hire a company that needs the entire month to run the ads on it.
So I will probably be giving you guys little bits and pieces, just kind of preparing you to be, you know, I'm sitting on all this information and I'm so excited about it because I've interviewed all these people. And you haven't heard it yet. And I want you to hear some of this. So I'll be slipping in little pieces of the summit in here, go to BNB dash boss and sign up on our mailing list.
And the people on our mailing list will have the opportunity for a summit preview. And there'll be given an entire day to look at a page of some of the interviews and stuff so that they can see what's coming up. And I think that, you know, that we will keep the excitement going for it because it was just a bummer.
It was just a let down having Facebook be so mean and honorary to us, but it is what it is. Yeah. It is what it is, right. It is what it is. Anyway. Have a great day. We'll be talking to you on Friday. You can listen to the short-term rental revenue replay on Fridays. And this one we'll go with this episode really well.
It's the knowledge is not power. Knowledge is potential power. That's important to know. So it'll keep your mindset going for this week and then we'll get back into negotiations and the BNB business and everything. Okay. So God bless you. Have a great holiday weekend. Go and grow.
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If you want to become financially free, you need the right education. That’s why we created our Mini-Courses on investing in Short-Term Rentals. If you are serious about investing your time and money into an Airbnb (aka Short Term Rental), you need a system. Our courses are jammed packed with everything you need to know to create massive, passive income. Plus, they're affordable.
and take a look at July's BNB Budget Makeover Series inside our blogs...
This month, we give you loads of great ideas on using your orphan days to make inexpensive changes to your properties. Begin here, with Budget Room Makeovers: Weekend Projects for Under $1000.
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